10-Minute Yoga for Beginners Session

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Emily @ 8fit
Written by
Emily @ 8fit
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Sometimes 10 minutes is all you need to feel more energized or slow things down. This yoga flow is, as you might’ve guessed, only 10 minutes long. It’s an energizing vinyasa flow that starts slow, builds heat, then winds you back down. After it’s over, you should feel totally zen.

The movements in this 10-minute yoga flow are suitable for all levels and, if something doesn’t feel great, modify or skip it. That’s the beauty of yoga; there’s no shame in modifying or resting when your body feels like it. And, on the flip side, more advanced versions of poses are always welcome as long as you’re able.

Give it a go next time you’re strapped for time or feeling low on energy.

New to yoga? Here's how to start yoga.

10-minute yoga for beginners

Like we mentioned above, this flow is suitable for all levels yet crafted with beginners in mind. The poses focus on every part of the body with an extra emphasis on the spine, core, and hips. You’ll start seated and find your breath. Then you’ll ease into the series of poses, moving and twisting until the final savasana (corpse pose).

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8fit yoga: Beginners poses in this flow

If you have questions about any of the poses in this 10-minute yoga flow, the tips below will help guide you. Have a read first to understand the key cues for each posture and which area of the body they impact most. Then, we’ll explain the benefits of each pose, so you know what to focus on as you move.

Thread the needle

Start on all fours. Lift your right arm to the sky and then thread it under your left armpit, resting your right shoulder and right cheek on the mat. Keep your hips positioned over your knees and extend your left arm forward. Breathe deeply, twisting deeper if your body allows. Switch sides when you feel ready.

Benefits of Thread the Needle:

  • Opens the shoulders and upper back

  • Stretches the arms and neck

  • Reduces tension in the spine with a gentle twist

Low lunge

To come into a low lunge, start in downward facing dog. Bring your right foot to the front of your mat and drop your left knee down. Ensure that your right knee is positioned over your right ankle and then bring both hands to your right thigh. Check to make sure your ribs are over your hips. Then, breathe in and get as tall as possible, lengthening the spine. Come into a small backbend, and as you do, remember to keep your right knee over your ankle and your spine long (so there’s no pressure in your lower back). Breathe deeply for 10 or so breaths before switching sides.

Benefits of Low Lunge:

  • Stretches the hips and groin

  • Allows for a chest opener and gentle backbend

Warrior two

Start in downward dog, then bring your right foot to the front of the mat. Place your left foot parallel to the back of the mat with toes facing toward the left edge of your yoga mat. Position your right knee over the right ankle, then ground down into both feet as you rise up. With your chest facing the left and ribs over your hips, extend your right arm forward and left arm back. Ensure that your arms are level with your shoulders and that your right knee stays over the ankle. Work to bring your right thigh parallel with the ground. To switch sides, bring your hands to the ground to frame your right foot then step back to a downward facing dog.

Benefits of Warrior Two:

Russian twists

Russian twists are a great core exercise. You can do them with your feet planted on the mat or lifted. In this flow, we keep the heels on the mat. Start seated and bend your knees, pushing your heels into the mat. Lean back about halfway, creating a 45° angle with the ground. Bring your hands together in front of your chest and engage your core. Inhale, then exhale as you twist to the right. Inhale to come center, then exhale as you twist to the left. Repeat.

Benefits of Russian Twists:


Start on your back. Bend both knees and plant your feet flat on the floor. Make sure your feet, are hip-width distance apart so you can graze your heels with your fingertips. With your arms by your sides and palms facing down, engage your glutes and hamstrings as you lift your hips off the ground. Breathe deeply, releasing the post when you’re ready.

Benefits of Bridge:

  • Stretches the chest, abdominals, spine, and hips

  • Strengthens the back, glutes, and hamstrings

  • Improves blood circulation

Spinal twists

Lay on your back and bring both knees into your chest. Bring them into a “T” shape or bent, so you resemble a cactus. Let both knees fall to the right side. Turn your head to the left and feel the stretch from your tailbone to your neck. Hold for a few breaths before switching sides.

Benefits of Spinal Twists:

  • Massages the abdominal organs

  • Stretches the back, hips, and glutes

Curious about other styles? Here are 8 different types of yoga to get you started.

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