The Anna Edit Reviews The 8fit Fitness And Nutrition Plan App

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8fit Team @ 8fit
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8fit Team @ 8fit
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Anna from The Anna Edit lists her top two personal interests as, 1. Parks & Rec GIFs and, 2. Ryan Gosling memes. After those, this twenty-something Brighton-dweller takes an interest in sharing about food, fitness, lifestyle and makeup on her blog and in her well-viewed YouTube videos.

Visit The Anna Edit YouTube page and you’ll learn how to do everything from properly packing a carry-on to giving the best beauty gift. In these videos, Anna also gives viewers a glimpse into her daily food, fitness and beauty routines on the regular.

Who better to try the 8fit’s fitness and nutrition plan app and share about it? We gave Anna full access to our app in exchange for her honest feedback. Read and watch how she used 8fit for workouts and meals throughout the day.

A typical day for Anna involves creating and producing content from her Brighton home. On this day in particular, she was off to a slower-than-usual start. But, thanks to the 8fit app, healthy breakfast was already planned.

Anna started her day with 8fit’s “Sweet Omelette” recipe with a bit of vanilla extract, maple syrup, yogurt, nuts and fruit.

Sweet Omlette

8 min400 kcal


  • 2 whole eggs (~3 ½ oz)
  • 1 banana (~4 oz)
  • ¾ cups raspberries (~3 oz)
  • a tiny bit of cinnamon
  • 2 tsp butter (preferably organic) (~⅓ oz)


  1. Peel banana and slice. Wash raspberries., Heat butter over medium heat in a small nonstick skillet.
  2. Beat the egg(s) with a fork in a medium bowl.
  3. Add egg mixture to the skillet over medium heat.
  4. When eggs are almost set (takes around 3 to 5 minutes), spread fruit mixture over one side.
  5. Fold omelet over filling.
  6. Cover and cook for 2 minutes.
  7. Slide onto a serving plate.
  8. Top with cinnamon.

After getting some important work done, it was time for lunch. On the menu this time was 8fit’s ”Avocado & Chicken with Bread.” To make this a little more exciting, Anna added some feta cheese and mint.

Avocado & Chicken with Bread

15 min500 kcal


  • 2 ¾ oz chicken breast
  • ⅓ avocado (~2 ¼ oz)
  • 2 tsp fresh cilantro / fresh coriander leaf (chopped)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil (extra virgin)
  • 1 ½ whole grain bread slice(s), 100% whole grain (~2 ¼ oz)
  • a tiny bit of salt
  • ¼ tsp black pepper


  1. Heat a skillet over medium-high heat with the olive oil. Then add chicken and sprinkle it with salt and pepper. Cook it until browned, around 5 minutes. Flip and cook on the other side, another 5 minutes, lowering heat as needed to cook the chicken all the way through. Set aside and reserve.
  2. In a bowl, add the peeled avocado and the chopped cilantro and mash with a fork until well combined. Spread the mixture on the bread.
  3. Serve the avocado on bread along with the chicken and enjoy!

After digesting lunch, it was time for a workout. Anna is no stranger to high-intensity interval training (HIIT), but there were a couple of moves she wasn’t familiar with. According to Anna, what’s great about the 8fit app is that you can preview each exercise move before starting the workout.

When dinner time rolled around, Anna and her husband cooked the “Fish with Spiced Lentils” recipe in the 8fit app. They added a side of broccoli to the dish. We approve of that vitamin C enriched, fiber-packed ingredient.

Fish with Spiced Lentils

15 min500 kcal


  • ¼ lime (~⅔ oz)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil (extra virgin)
  • ½ onion (medium sized) (~2 oz)
  • ¼ cups tomato sauce, without sugar (~2 ¼ oz)
  • ⅔ cups lentils (canned and drained) (~4 ½ oz)
  • 3 ½ oz white fish
  • a tiny bit of curry powder (dry)
  • a tiny bit of salt
  • a tiny bit of black pepper
  • 1 ½ tsp honey or agave syrup (~⅓ oz)


  1. Heat half of the olive oil in a pan.
  2. Place the white fish in the pan and fry for around 10 minutes on medium heat. Turn at 5 minutes.
  3. Peel and chop the onion. Drain and rinse the lentils., Heat the remaining oil in a small pot and sauté the onion for around 1 minute. Add lentils, tomato sauce, curry powder, salt, pepper, honey and the juice from the lime. Stir and heat the mixture over medium heat for 3 minutes.
  4. Serve the white fish with the spiced lentils on a plate.

Anna loved that each 8fit recipe was customizable and that she could learn about the macros in each dish while she browsed. Plus, if she didn’t have an ingredient, each 8fit recipe offered replacement tips.

That’s enough from us. Watch Anna’s video to learn what a day using 8fit’s nutrition plan and workouts looks like. Then, head over to see Michelle Khare’s review.

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