8fit Success Story: Spring

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8fit Team @ 8fit
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8fit Team @ 8fit
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It was back in 2016 that Spring found herself looking online for workouts that could fit around her busy life as a mother of eight. Like many 8fitters, the convenience of having advice on maintaining a healthy body and mind together in one app piqued her interest, and kept her coming back. Now she shares glimpses of her life in the New Mexico desert on her Instagram and YouTube channels—showing us how she combines 8fit’s tips into her everyday—as well as a few tips of her own, from decluttering to DIY.

We caught up with Spring to ask about her 8fit journey, her motivations, and the milestone that made her hit ‘download’.

Spring, what were you looking for when you discovered 8fit and why did it appeal to you?

I came across 8fit almost four years ago while searching for at-home workouts. For me, anything I can do at home is all the better, so I was really interested to try it.

What made you begin this journey?

I was turning 40, and I remembered my momma when she turned 40 crying on her birthday. She was so beautiful and I didn’t understand why she was upset about getting older, but then as a momma myself—seeing and feeling my body going through so many changes—I figured it out. I wanted to be sure I could stay healthy and try to beat the odds of inherited health conditions while also tackling the hormones, slower metabolism… all the things getting older throws at us.

Tell us about your first workout.

It was awesome! I absolutely loved it. If I remember correctly, I did another workout straight after, then went for a walk because I wanted to use all the features the app had to offer.

How do you stay motivated when it comes to exercise, or just moving your body in general?

Knowing how good I feel after a workout, and how well my body responds to the meal plans, is a big motivation. The compliments I was getting after about a month or so of sticking to the app were pretty great too.

How do the recipes work for you?

I’ve loved all of the meals I’ve cooked so far. The banana pancakes are a favorite at home, and the fresh fruit smoothies are amazing to drink after a workout. Most of the ingredients are very affordable, so it’s perfect for a momma on a budget.

Are there days when you find it tough sticking to a healthy routine?

It’s hard when I have an off day, but 8fit is a totally ‘no judgement’ zone and the little daily reminders I receive help me stay on track.

What advice do you have for someone just getting started?

Don’t hesitate! The time passes so quickly when you’re doing the workouts. If you need some extra motivation to get started with an at-home routine then, from one mom to another, this is perfect.

And finally, a favorite quote, verse or mantra that picks you up?

‘Being strong doesn’t start in the gym, it starts in your head.’ It’s one of my favorites because it’s so true, you have to prepare your mind. Be strong mentally and the rest will follow.

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