Pilates Workout | Try This New Routine At Home

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8fit Team @ 8fit
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8fit Team @ 8fit
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You've heard about pilates but maybe you've never actually tried a pilates workout. Well, we have good news for you––we're sharing one of our brand new pilates workouts from the 8fit app.

This workout is meant for an average level of fitness, using pilates to improve your cardiorespiratory system and your functional fitness. That means we have easier and more advanced pilates workouts available on 8fit. Below you'll find a middle-of-the-road pilates workout in terms of difficulty. That said, all of our bodies are different and we respond to exercises differently. You might find some of the exercises easy, others difficult. The important thing, as always, is to maintain proper from throughout and at your own pace.

If you have questions about whether or not pilates is right for you, check out our article on pilates before getting started. Otherwise, it's time to hit the mat!

Pilates Workout

Complete two rounds of the following:

Pilates roll-up | 10 reps

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1. Start lying on the ground, arms overhead and feet flexed 2. Bring the arms straight up over the shoulders 3. Exhale, tuck the chin and begin the roll-up by engaging the core 4. Reach the hands towards the toes, engaging the lower body (glutes, hamstrings) to keep the feet grounded 4. Reverse the movement and return to start position on an inhale

Pilates hundred | 10 reps

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Inhale for five reps, exhale for five reps

1. Lying on your back legs extended, feet together, arms by your side 2. Press lower back into floor, tuck chin to chest, curl head and chest up 3. Lift legs and reach arms long 4. Pump arms up and down

Frog legs | 10 reps

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1. Start on back with legs in tabletop, arms by sides 2. Bring heels together, toes apart (Pilates "V") 3. Extend legs out at a 45° angle, leg and core muscles engaged 4. Bend knees and bring the heels towards the center of the body, stopping when knees are over hips 5. Keep knees bent and toes turned out, lowering the heels just above the floor (hinge at the hips) 6. Lift legs slowly back to the position in step 4

After two rounds, rest for 30 seconds before continuing.

Pilates sumo squat | 10 reps

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1. Start standing with feet wider than hips, toes turned out and arms rounding in front 2. Bend the knees to come into a sumo squat with knees over ankles, thighs parallel with floor 3. Squeeze the glutes and inner thighs to return to start position

Standing to chair | 6 reps

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1. Start standing with arms overhead, feet hip-width distance apart 2. Engage the core and lift the heels off the floor, finding balance 3. Slowly lower the arms to shoulder height and bend the knees, sitting the hips back like chair pose 4. Go as low as possible, then come back up to start position

Standing hinge with heel lift (right) | 4 reps

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1. Stand with right foot forward, left leg back and hands by sides 2. Bend the right knee, simultaneously hinging forward at the hips 3. Bring the torso and arms in line with the back leg 4. Push through the right heel and engage the abs to return to start position

Standing hinge with heel lift (left) | 4 reps

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1. Stand with left foot forward, right leg back and hands by sides 2. Bend the left knee, simultaneously hinging forward at the hips to bring the torso and arms in line with the back leg 4. Push through the left heel and engage the abs to return to start position 5. Do two hinges, then hold the lunge and do two heels lifts to complete one repetition

After two rounds, rest for 30 seconds before continuing.

Donkey kick (right) | 10 reps

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1. Begin on forearms and knees with shoulders directly above elbows and hips directly above knees 2. Lift the right leg, keeping the knee bent at 90° and foot flexed 3. Squeeze glutes and exhale at the top 3. Bring knee back down, lifted slightly off the ground to complete one rep

Donkey kick (left) | 10 reps

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1. Begin on forearms and knees with shoulders directly above elbows and hips directly above knees 2. Lift the left leg, keeping the knee bent at 90° and foot flexed 3. Squeeze glutes and exhale at the top 3. Bring knee back down, lifted slightly off the ground to complete one rep

Rainbow (right) | 10 reps

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1. Start in tabletop position, right leg extended straight back with toe pointed on the floor 2. Use the glutes to lift the leg slightly higher than hip-height or higher to begin 3. Bring the toe to tap the floor as far right as possible 4. Like drawing a rainbow, lift the leg and bring it up and over to tap outside the left foot 5. After the indicated time or reps, bring leg back to center (step 2) and return the foot to floor (step 1)

Rainbow (left) | 10 reps

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1. Start in tabletop position, left leg extended straight back with toe pointed on the floor 2. Use the glutes to lift the leg slightly higher than hip-height or higher to begin 3. Bring the toe to tap the floor as far left as possible 4. Like drawing a rainbow, lift the leg and bring it up and over to tap outside the right foot 5. After the indicated time or reps, bring leg back to center (step 2) and return the foot to floor (step 1)

Marching glute bridge | 10 reps

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1. Lie on back with knees bent and soles of feet on floor 2. Press weight into heels and engage glutes to raise hips 3. Lift the right leg, knee bent at a 90° angle 4. Place the right foot down and lift the left to complete one repetition 5. Continue for indicated reps or time before returning hips to floor

After two rounds, rest for 30 seconds before continuing.

Prone arm lifts | 10 reps

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1. Lie on stomach with arms stretched out straight in front, feet together and palms facing one another 2. Exhale, then inhale to lift hands and chest off the floor 3. Keep feet and pelvis grounded, lowering down to start position to complete one repetition

Prone leg lifts | 10 reps

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1. Lie on stomach with forehead on forearms, feet together 2. Exhale, then inhale to lift feet and legs off the floor 3. Keep arms and pelvis grounded, lowering down to start position to complete one repetition

Pilates superman | 10 reps

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1. Lie on stomach with arms stretched out straight in front, feet together and palms facing one another 2. Exhale, then inhale to lift hands, chest and legs off the floor 3. Keep pelvis grounded and neck neutral, lowering down to start position to complete one repetition

After two rounds, rest for 30 seconds before continuing.

Single leg stretch | 10 reps

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1. Start supine, pull the right knee into the chest and curl the upper back off the floor 2. Lift the left leg off the ground and switch legs, pulling the left knee in and bringing the right leg to hover 3. Count left-right as one repetition, exhaling every time you pull the knees in

Double leg stretch | 10 reps

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1. Start lying on back, knees pulled into chest and upper back lifted 2. Inhale, then exhale and extend the arms overhead and legs long 3. Keep the upper back and legs lifted off the ground, exhale to return to start position

Core toe taps (alternating) | 10 reps

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1. Lie on back with knees bent and feet flat on floor 2. Lift legs into tabletop with knees over hips and toes pointed 3. Hingeing from the right hip, lower the right toes towards the floor 4. Keep the back imprinted and core engaged to lift back to start position 5. Alternate sides, counting right-left as one repetition

Want to pick up the pace? Here's everything you need to know about HIIT Training.

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