New Year, New Workout, New You

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8fit Team @ 8fit
Written by
8fit Team @ 8fit
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Start the new year off with a bang with this short and effective workout. This HIIT workout has been created to torch away the fat and tone those troublesome areas leaving you feeling fitter and stronger.

What better way to start the new year than with a healthier, happier and fitter you!

Repeat the following sequence 2-4 times for time. Remember, focus on form and quality of the movement.  You can find all exercises and alternatives in your exercise library (book icon in the app).

1) 20 Seconds of Fast feet

  1. Stand with feet hip width apart, arms by your side

  2. Run on the spot, lightly and quickly

  3. Use the balls of your feet and move your arms simultaneously

2)10 x Squats 90°

  1. Stand straight with shoulders above hips, feet hip-width apart, toes slightly turned out.

  2. Drop hips back and down; keep knees behind toes at all times and hip and ankle in line so knees don’t collapse inward.

  3. Drop hip crease below parallel.

  4. Drive weight into heels to stand back up to start position.

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3) 10 x Mountain Climbers, knees to chest

  1. Place hands on floor directly under shoulders, hips lifted and extend legs with feet together and toes curled under.

  2. Tense every muscle to keep body in a straight line from head through heels at all times.

  3. Keep left foot straight out behind as you pull right knee in towards chest.

  4. Place right foot back down behind you and pull left knee in towards chest.

4) 10 x Military Press (hands on floor)

  1. Begin with hands and feet on floor slightly wider than shoulder/hip-width apart, folded forward at hips so that body forms an inverted V. Bend elbows and lower tops of head to the floor.

  2. Straighten arms to press body back up to start position

5) 10 x Crunches (hands on floor)

  1. Lie faceup with knees bent and feet flat on floor; place hands crossed on chest

  2. Press lower back into the floor as you roll shoulders up and forward

  3. Shoulder blades lift about 4” off the floor, contract abs at the top

  4. Slowly lower torso back down to the floor

6) 20 x Jumps (side) (or jumping jacks if too much impact)

  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart. Bend at the knees while driving your hips back.

  2. Forcefully push off the floor, jumping to the right side.

  3. Land softly with spring in knees to absorb shock. Then jump to the left.

  4. Alternate between sides for desired reps

Enter this year feeling fresh, fit and fabulous.  Let’s ensure those resolutions get off to a great start!

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