9-minute HIIT Workout for Beginners to Start Your Fitness Journey

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8fit Team @ 8fit
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8fit Team @ 8fit
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You want to start your fitness journey but you don't know how. What you do know is that you don't have all the time in the world for a workout and you don't really know where to start. There are too many videos and articles promising "the ultimate" workout.

We don't blame you for feeling a little uncertain or intimidated. But that's why we're here; to reassure you as you take your first steps in your health and fitness journey. We're like the parent running alongside their child riding a bike for the first time. We know you can do it!

HIIT workouts are our bread and butter at 8fit. We won't get into the weeds here (click here to learn all about HIIT training) but HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training. It's an effective form of exercise to burn calories quickly and get stronger in a short amount of time.

Ready to give it a shot? Below is a four-round HIIT workout for beginners with just a handful of relatively simple exercises.

HIIT Workout For Beginners

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Below, we break down the exercises in the video.

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Want something more challenging? Step it up with this 30-minute HIIT workout (click here).

HIIT Exercises For Beginners

Shoulder pulse up | 20 seconds

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1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart 2. Raise arms out to side, parallel to floor, palms facing upwards 3. Slightly raise and lower arms in a controlled and fast pace 4. Return to start position after indicated reps/time

Shoulder pulse down | 20 seconds

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1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart 2. Raise arms out to sides, parallel to the floor, palms facing down 3. Slightly raise and lower arms in a controlled and fast pace 4. Return to start position after indicated reps/time

Squats | 10 reps

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1. Stand straight with shoulders above hips, feet hip-width apart, toes slightly turned out 2. Drop hips back and down with knees behind toes and hip and ankle in line, so knees do not collapse inward 3. Drop hip crease below parallel 4. Immediately drive weight into heels to quickly stand back up to start position

Fast feet | 20 seconds

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1. Stand with feet wider than hips apart, hands in fists to protect face 2. Run on the spot, lightly and quickly

Plank with knee taps | 20 seconds

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1. Come into plank position with hands on the floor, toes curled under 2. Tense every muscle to keep body in a straight line from head to heels 3. Stay in plank with core engaged, bend the knees to tap the ground then straighten the legs

Note: Keep knees elevated if taps are too easy.

Repeat the exercises above for two more rounds. (Feel free to add a bonus round if you have energy to burn!)

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