How Sharing Your Fitness Journey Can Change the World

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8fit Team @ 8fit
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8fit Team @ 8fit
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I’ll never forget the first time I felt inspired by someone on Instagram. It was about six years ago when I started exercising and paying attention to my eating habits.

During this time, I felt a bit lonely because only my direct family supported me and understood me. The rest of the world (i.e. my friends and colleagues at the time) would make comments like, “Why do you exercise? You’re not overweight.” or, “Eating white bread or having sugar with your coffee won’t kill you — you’re extreme!”  Then there were all of the times my friends complained when I ordered water instead of beer and soda while out to lunch.

I opened an Instagram account looking for recipe inspiration when I got bored of my own meals and to see how others lived a healthy lifestyle. In the very beginning, I found an account by someone named Jess (now, @paleo_life_crossfit_love).  I remember taking screenshots of almost every recipe she posted and would cook each of them over and over again. It was thanks to her that I discovered that healthy eating isn’t boring and that you can bake a delicious batch of brownies without using a single gram of added sugar.

Jess was passionate about the life she was living and inspired me — just like I inspire many of my friends now — to change their habits and discover they can feel stronger, have more energy throughout the day, and pay the doctor fewer visits.

Getting started on your wellness journey

After you start seeing these changes in yourself, you’ll notice that feeling healthy and strong is seriously addictive. So how do you get started and get motivated? Well, one great way to start exercising and eating better is by signing up for 8fit. However, even with workouts and recipes at your fingertips, a person can still lack the motivation to get started and stay on track. This is the exact reason why we created the 8fit Challenge: To help 8fitters get to know each other, lift each other up and keep pursuing the healthiest of lifestyles.

If you scroll through photos tagged with #8fitChallenge you’ll see how people of different ages, different gender, different backgrounds and different cities around the world are sharing their journey, feeling inspired by one another, and creating an amazing, friendly community of #8fitters.

Below, see some amazing examples of 8fitters sharing their stories and inspiring those around them. These are the reasons why supportive, positive communities are so important.


Fiona hates burpees and she doesn’t hide it. But, what’s most impressive about Fiona’s honesty is that she celebrates small wins — like completing the most burpees she’s ever done — with a salad and a beer. Now, that’s what we call balance!


Progress pictures are a great motivator within the 8fit community. 8fitters celebrate each other’s successes by leaving empowering and motivating comments. This little bit of acknowledgment goes a long way in the motivation department, especially for those putting in a lot of effort to get results. What we really love is that most 8fitter transformation posts discuss not just physical transformations, but mental ones too. It’s all about feeling healthier and happier. When was asked, “What’s your weight goal?” she answered, “I would like to eventually be 12 stones (168 pounds), but my main goal is to get fit and improve my physical and mental health.”


8fitters don’t only post perfect meals. @kikoclary8fitgirl admitted that she overcooked her Cucumber Noodle Bowl with Shrimps, but she ate it anyways because it was tasty.

While not all meals are perfect in appearance, there are a few amazing 8fit recipe shots out there. How beautiful is this Strawberry Cheesecake Parfait from Adriana (@nanamariaj)?

Our 8fitters are all unique in their approach, but they do have something very important in common: They try to be better versions of themselves every single day. They understand that living a healthy lifestyle is all about taking small steps and that it won’t always be easy. That’s why they share their real journey — including the fears and weaknesses that come with it — and that’s what it makes it truly inspiring.

Who will you inspire?

When I asked the 8fit community if they’ve inspired anyone to change their habits and live healthier lives, I fell in love with their answers:

“I’ve had quite a few family members and friends ask me what app I’ve been using and I gladly shared 8fit with them. I had no idea that I was making any kind of impact on anyone until they started commenting and messaging me. I truly can’t express the happiness I feel knowing that I at least encouraged one person to continue or start their fitness journey. It makes me tear up — honestly. I love being apart of the #8fitfamily and I am beyond thankful for the support that not only the coaches give, but also the support the 8fit community gives daily! You guys rock and I appreciate every one of you! 🙌❤💪🏻” –@chelbacca26

 “I love how real the program is. Sometimes you’re not motivated and that’s OK, but you have these 8fitters on here, helping pick you back up and get you back on track. I love how accountable it keeps me. I’ve met some amazing other #8fitters using the #8fit app now — and hopefully some friends for life — which is cool! I’ve got two friends using the #8fit app now and they’re enjoying it! It’s so great. 💪💪💪💪” – @amandagwillim

No matter the number of followers you have, how witty your captions are, or how well you master those Instagram filters, if you’re passionate about what you do and believe in it,  keep posting your journey. Keep sharing your struggles and your triumphs, and keep on keeping it real. 🙌🏼 I’m sure there’s someone out there feeling inspired by how well you treat your body. Now just imagine how beautiful and kind the world would be if each of us inspired just one other person to live a healthier life. You 8fitters are superheroes.

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